Sunday, October 5, 2008

What Does it Take to Run a Home Business?

Before you decide to start a home based business, here are some ideas and tips to help you be successful.

First of all, you need a good business plan. You can't just decide you are going to start a home business and take off with no thought or planning! So what do you need to decide before you start?

1. What are you start up costs going to be?

2. Who is your competition (if you have any), and what are their prices and services offered?

3. Do you have the supplies you need for your home business?

4. Don't forget a marketing plan! Decide how you are going to advertise your home based business. Will you use business cards, flyers, or will you perhaps start a website? Advertise in your local phone book if you can afford to.

There are some pretty unique ways you can market your business. T-shirts with logos are a popular way to advertise. Some people even put their business name, telephone number, etc on their car. I have even seen website addresses on cars!

Of course, there are some home business opportunities that don't require alot of start up cost, such as a home or commercial cleaning business.

Home based business ideas are abundant, but be sure you start out right - by having a good business plan laid out.

What are some other qualifications you will need to start a successful home based business? Motivation, perseverance, and the ability to work unsupervised. Most people believe they can easily work without someone telling them what to do, but you'd be surprised how it changes when you work for yourself. I know, I do it. There are some days you simply have to MAKE yourself do what needs to be done.

I hope these ideas help you start your home based business out on the right note. More to come, so stay tuned!

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